Saturday 16 February 2013

Birmingham City Council is proposing to discontinue the current black bag collection system and replace it with wheelie bins.

Each household will be issued with three wheelie bins and be expected to store these and deliver them to the roadside for weekly collections.

There has been no consultation with residents about this.

  • Will you have space to store these bins?

  • Will you be able to get them to the street to collection?

  • And even if you can, will you bother or just leave them outside as happens is so many other areas?

Give us your views.



  1. The MRA Committee discussed the matter of wheelie bins and are agreed that these type of bins were unsuitable for use at most of the properties on the Estate (due to steps), would impact on the visual amenity of the conservation area if bins were left outside, and that elderly residents would not be able to move them.

  2. According to a recent press article, the Council are planning a £30 additional charge for 'green' waste collection. So, on top of forcing wheelie bins on us they now intend to charge us over and above the Council Tax for the privilege. This 'Garden Tax' is hardly likely to increase recycling rates which is one of their main arguments for introducing the things.
